Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Flash Episode 6: Where to Watch Online

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This series is getting hotter and hotter each new episode and I know that you are excited to watch the latest episode, Episode 6 which is entitled, "The Flash Is Born." 

This new episode is will be action-packed because in this episode (spoilers alert) The Flash will be clashing with a new meta-human who has the ability to turn himself into girded steel. This meta-human is named Tony. Meanwhile, Caitlin and Dr. Wells worry about the safety of Barry so they are planning to do something. Cisco on the other hand has also hatched a plan on how to fell Tony. And there's something somewhat bad that is happening to Irish and it is caused by her blogging about  The Flash. 

There are more things to come in this episode but that is too much spoilers I've spewed in the preceding paragraph so I will stop telling you some details of the new episode. I know that you will be watching it. I also know that the reason why you are here is because you want to watch this episode online  so here is the link to watch this episode online on CW.


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